
Audio Books & Podcasts

King Kong
Afrikina.Com reflects the Africa of today, with the future,in sight. In this new age Africa has now transcended the post-colonisal era, and must be fully accountable for herself. Our mission on this voyage of growth and consciousness is to navigate you through the arts, culture, spirituality and the economic climate of life in Nigeria and in West Africa, known as ECOWAS. Its a journey of LIFE that can surely lead us to a global beyond.

WELCOME To Afrikina.Com where you can experience creative African through special places, items and concepts that make Africa a close reality. We intend, with your participation, to build up a repertoire of books, photographs, art, comments and impressions that will bring a vibrant interactivity to people interested in African arts, culture and our lifestyles. And in so-doing, we can establish that modern, growing Africa is very much a part of the wider contemporary world.

We also want to appeal to your personal participation in this interactive website by inviting you to join the membership Kina Klub. It is designed to explore people, places and ideas, as an important learning process. The Kina Klub membership is free, with a few extra benefits. We aspire to attract curious professionals, and active, liberal, honest debate on issues affecting Africa and the world in general.

African books: We want to build a library of African books to include cultural, artistic and contemporary books, historical missives and philosophical and political tracts and so on. If you have a book or other published material, send it to us for display in our library section, which we hope has great prospects for growth. We can promote and sell them for you.

The written history and culture of Africa, at home and abroad, is not so readily available because of the limited access of African writers to the international publishing and distribution market. While the book trade is actually growing worldwide, it is virtually shrinking for the African book trade as the electronic media and economic crises gain a foothold through Africa.

Best Sellers
Sacred Seduction The Senator Journal of Cultural Studies
Author: Bisi Oladiran Author: Tai Emeka Obasi Author:
Join our library and sell your own work on line as an ebook. Good books can now easily receive the recognition they deserve.

World Life Project

Research: Investigation and research is the spotlight on life, through which realities come into sharp focus. The World Life Project set up by Afrikina.Com Ltd is located in a setting of modern, furnished, serviced and tranquil accomodation in Ikoyi, Lagos.

We have an itinerary to guide journalists, filmmakers or visual artists and researchers to cultural and tourist enclaves around Nigeria and other West African countries. We offer programs, accomodation, tours, guides and safe travel by road or air. We will contract to convey you to places of your choice for moderate charges.

Topics trending on our agenda include the environment and direct climate impact on it, sociological issues such as development, cultural research, arts and crafts, urbanization, gender, economy and many more human issues.

.Are you a writer who just wants a quiet, distant (exotic) setting to get serious work done? You will certainly appreciate our quiet premises. For detailed information: (234)09039171218

The SunGiant Business Guide - This is a DVD Encyclopedia on Nigeria and 7 other Ecowas countries in the Economic Community of West African States. The first of its kind, this DVD Rom covers a wide spectrum of life in Nigeria and West Africa, with a timeline dating back into history, all the way to the contemporary present. Follow the link above to view a short demo of the DVD Rom

Business Guide Do you want to invest in or do business in Lagos or Accra or any West African city? You can have access to well over 300 million people and to the unlimited resources of the region. Our Business Guide leads you directly to sources, stress free.

  A Bonn sky.., lit up in a deep pink rainbow, etched by nature..
The Allure Of ECOWAS
Accra's independence circle

ACCRA- Black Star Square: Ghana has proved its resilience and bloomed in years past with the economy and social growth. Life and business in Accra's democracy is booming today, as Ghana stands on the brink of a new oil boom. The Accra scene is a pleasant surprise for its modern facade amd the vast cosmopolitan strides which have been made throughout the country. See our tourist guide around West Africa.

Cotonou, Benin Republic & Lome, Togo are also part of the West Africa coastal success drive. Ecological, oceanic threats to the coastline and its environs are a consideration along the West Coast. See Sun Voyages

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