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Our website is Africentric. Afrika is however just the buzz word. We want new ideas and current bcommunication to flow into Africa, around and out of Africa and to melange Africa. Therefore, we'd like to build an international Kina klub where Africa ascends. The guiding principle here is the dignity of Africa which must be cultivated and built - in view of the historical racist setbacks which Africa has experienced and is still yet trying to overcome. Inspite of the wars, famime, hunger, lethal diseases, climate
![Mr. Kofi Annan & Mrs. Ellen J. Sirleaf](assets/Ellen&Co.jpg) |
woes and the other man-made calamities that shape the current African reality, it is crucial to maintain and cultivate the beautiful part of Africa - the part of Africa that grows positive rural and urban development, and that forms astute intellectuals and budding philosophers, that educates countless millions of African children and which has continuously in recent years devastated the old illiteracy scourge; and the part of Africa that is healthy and trying to beat the odds, to grow. This is the Africa that holds increasing regional and international summits on the range of human isues, that debates the old scourge of corruption and of neo-colonial indebredness, and plans new strategies for progress. This new Africa is struggling to overcome the old, engrained strategies to keep us out of the industrial age. A new animated and interested dialogue is our way forward. |